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Council meets tonight, here are some items to keep an eye on

Council meets at 6 p.m.
2018-05-07 Timmins City Hall MH
Timmins City Hall. Maija Hoggett/TimminsToday

From the Hollinger Skateway to rural roads, this week's council agenda has been released.

Timmins council meets Nov. 19 at 6 p.m. at City Hall. 

Here are some agenda items to keep an eye on:

• The Timmins Community Park Association (TCPA), which is the group assuming the operations of the skate path at Hollinger Park, is giving an update on what they've been doing. According to the presentation, the city is responsible for creating and maintaining the ice surface, as well as providing access to washrooms. The TCPA will take care of the programming and has also bought a 12 x 40-foot trailer for people to change in and to offer a concession. You can read more about the presentation here

• Instead of installing fencing at Hollinger Park, staff is recommending putting in four decorative benches instead. They would be located north of the path to get to the splash pad, creating a barrier between the water park and Algonquin Boulevard. The recommendation is being made after council asked staff to look at putting up fencing earlier this month. The full report on the item is available here

• Staff is asking for council to approve renovations to allow for an accessible washroom at the Timmins Victor M. Power Airport. According to a staff report, the most cost-effective option is to renovate washrooms near the arrivals and convert one into a universal washroom. By renovating that area, the report says it will address the need to upgrade existing infrastructure and provide a universal washroom for people needing an accessible facility. Four submissions were received for the tender, with staff recommending approving Narrative Interiors to do the work for $84,490. Read the full report here.

• Director of finance Natalie Moore is giving an update on the 2019 financials so far. Overall, her report says the city is "in line with our finances for this time of year." While a surplus is being projected right now, the report notes that the remainder of the year depends on weather, "therefore any prediction of a surplus can change with the early onset of snow we have received in the last week." The full document is available here.

• CAO Dave Landers has drafted a report for information purposes about rural road maintenance. The city has a policy about rural roads, however residents can ask for service increases on specific rural roads. Even when those decisions are made, Landers report notes the rural roads policy remains in effect and is enforceable. It also states that council has the "authority to change service levels to rural roads in the City." The full report is available here.

• Council is being asked to approve a $110,000 watermain condition assessment contract for Pure Technologies. According to a staff report, the company "has patented technologies to assess pressurized pipelines in a nondestructive method." The project would allow for five-kilometres of the city's watermain transmission lines to be assessed. "The information collected will determine and prioritize upgrades, repairs, rehabilitation and/or replacement needs to maintain the infrastructure in a safe condition and to prolong its useful life," reads the report.