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Health unit asks residents to avoid non-essential travel outside Northern Ontario

They're also offering tips for Thanksgiving
2020-05-11 PHU building
The Porcupine Health Unit. Maija Hoggett/TimminsToday

With the number of COVID-19 cases in the province surging in recent weeks, the local health unit has updated its travel recommendations.

The Porcupine Health Unit is also reminding people Thanksgiving celebrations should look different this year.

The health unit is recommending residents avoid non-essential travel outside Northern Ontario.

“Many parts of the province are seeing surges in cases, and are even in the second wave, and there have been cases related to travel within Ontario," said Dr. Lianne Catton, medical officer of health, in a news release.

In the region, there have been 85 confirmed cases of the virus. The most recent one in Timmins was reported yesterday. After it was reported, it was announced a Timmins classroom is in isolation and an exposure risk advisory was issued for people at Mike's restaurant Sept. 24 from 5 to 8 p.m.

Of the confirmed local cases, 73 are recovered and nine people have died.

With its revised recommendations, the health unit is asking people reassess any travel plans, especially if it's outside of Northern Ontario and will involve areas with a large number of COVID-19 cases. They are asking people to avoid travelling to attend indoor social gatherings. For people who need to travel, the organization reminds people to follow public health measures — washing your hands often, wear a mask, practise physical distancing, cough and sneeze ettiquette, and don't touch your face. 

“We are grateful for the tremendous work of PHU community members who continue to take the  steps necessary to reduce the risk of COVID-19. Our numbers reflect this commitment,” said Catton.

“The challenge now is maintaining this — protecting our most vulnerableand  remaining vigilant — to keep our numbers down. Northerners are adaptable people, we can work  together and stay positive, as challenging as it may be. Let’s focus on spreading kindness, not  COVID-19 this fall. Thank you for all the efforts you’re making to keep our communities  healthy and safe.”

For Thanksgiving and other upcoming occasions that usually bring large groups of people together, Catton said not spending them with extended family in-person may be the best option.

To reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 during Thanksgiving celebrations, the health unit suggests:

  • Limiting holiday gatherings to family or household members 
  • Limit the length of time for the gathering
  • Consider celebrating virtually, especially if family members are at increased risk of severe illness (including the elderly, and  people with medical conditions or weakened immune systems)
  • Family members and students should assess the risk they may pose before returning home for Thanksgiving, looking at their own recent travel and potential  exposure to the virus, including time spent in the “Three Cs” — closed spaces, in close contact, and crowded spaces. 
  • Consider wearing face coverings indoors and outdoors, even atprivate gatherings  
  • Don’t visit if you have any symptoms, even if mild in nature:  stay home, isolate and call to get tested.

To access COVID-19 testing, call your health care provider or the health unit. 

The COVID-19 information line is open today from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and can be reached at 705-267-1181 or 1-800-461-1818.

There are COVID-19 assessment centres in Timmins, Cochrane, Iroquois Falls, Kapuskasing, Smooth Rock Falls, Hearst, and Hornepayne.