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Log truck causes damage to six houses, say police

The driver has been charged
2017-11-03 Timmins Police Building MH
The Timmins Police Service building downtown Timmins. Maija Hoggett/TimminsToday

The Timmins Police Service is issuing a Traffic Advisory focused on larger commercial vehicles with special attention being paid to commercial log hauling vehicles while operating within city limits.

A recent event that occurred on Tuesday, Sept. 22, resulted in damage to six houses in the Wende Street area due to a log truck being operated in violation of Highway Traffic Act load dimension restrictions.

The height of the vehicle’s load caused phone and household cable wires to be pulled from their mounts on various houses resulting in damage to these properties.

The operator of the log truck, a 49 year old Kapuskasing resident, was located and charged by the Timmins Police for Operating Over-height Vehicle contrary to section 109(14) of the Highway Traffic Act.

This incident brings into sharp focus the need for Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) operators in Timmins to be:

  • compliant with load restrictions
  • aware of their surroundings at all times
  • only make use of prescribe truck routes
  • operate their vehicles prudently at all times

Any and all violations committed by CMV operators resulting in damage to private property or that jeopardizes public safety will be met with strict enforcement measures by the Timmins Police Service.

Significant fines, court appearances and in some cases, suspension of driver’s licences can result from careless or unethical operation of these vehicles.
