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Science Timmins reaches out on social media during crisis

March break camps closed, but students can win prize in daily challenge on Facebook

Science Timmins is using social media to keep student minds active during the COVID-19 crisis.

On the weekend, Science Timmins launched a daily STEM challenge. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

“Every day, we’ll be posting a challenge,” explained Antoine Garwah, president and CEO of Science Timmins. “Especially with the parents at home with the kids, so they can do this together. It will be on a daily basis. We’ll ask the participant to write their answer (in the comment section on Facebook) and we’ll have a draw for a prize at the end of the crisis.”

The prize will be a set of 10-speed cubes, which are similar to Rubik’s Cube puzzles, but different shapes.

The challenges involved a combination of skills and are intended to get the mind thinking. They are posted in both English and French.

“A trend right now in education is to not talk about science only but STEM in general,” Garwah said. “It’s something you don’t need a Master’s Degree or a PhD to do. It’s something practical, something to use their initiative.”

Science Timmins had planned to host camps during the March Break, but were forced to cancel due to the COVID-19 crisis. Science Timmins is also currently closed to the public. The contest, however, lets them stay connected with students and their parents.

“This isn’t our first choice, but we have the Village closed right now,” he said. “Next week on Facebook, we’ll have some of the live coverage of some of the animals we have here. That’s in the works, but right now it’s the challenge. It’s something we’re doing to help parents and kids get through the difficult time they have right now.”

As an example, the first stem challenge posted was: “Wrap a string around a cylindrical bottle. Measure the circumference with a ruler. Measure the diameter of the bottle. Divide the circumference by the diameter of the bottle. Repeat with a soft drink can, a roll of paper or any cylindrical object. What is the value of the division in each case?”

The prize draw will be held once Science Timmins re-opens.

Check out the Science Timmins STEM Challenge on Facebook.