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Beloved beach has been popular swimming hole for years

Beloved beach has been popular swimming hole for years

The Kinsmen Club helped spruce it up back in 1950
Welcome aboard! Boat tours of the Mattagami were popular in the '20s

Welcome aboard! Boat tours of the Mattagami were popular in the '20s

A trip on the S.S. Minga in 1921 would set you back $1 and included refreshments
The Porcupine's first road to the south opened in 1927

The Porcupine's first road to the south opened in 1927

Horses weren't phased out by the fire department until 1934
Vaudeville's popularity made for memorable local performances

Vaudeville's popularity made for memorable local performances

Eager citizens would pack the local theatres
Underemployed men brought their concerns to council back in '32

Underemployed men brought their concerns to council back in '32

The Advance reported 'vast numbers' of people in the community not receiving any relief
Take a dip into the cultural gift Finns brought to the area

Take a dip into the cultural gift Finns brought to the area

The local landscape seemed to be a perfect fit for the hardy outdoor-loving Finlanders
Find out what kind of house $1,800 would get you in 1923

Find out what kind of house $1,800 would get you in 1923

That year, people were also questioning when spring is actually coming
What was laundry day like at the turn of the century?

What was laundry day like at the turn of the century?

There was a lot more manual labour involved before washing machines made it to the market
Community celebrated synagogue's opening in 1928

Community celebrated synagogue's opening in 1928

Prior to that, in the early years of The Porcupine camp, it was common for the Hebrew congregation to worship and celebrate in their homes
This building is considered the oldest brick structure in town

This building is considered the oldest brick structure in town

The unassuming building has a 108-year history