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With St. Paddy's Day approaching, Timmins Police remind residents not to drink and drive

Police remind residents that they will be monitoring all city traffic arteries and checking for driver sobriety

The Timmins Police Service is issuing a public safety reminder to all persons ushering in St. Patty’s Day with Celtic related celebrations. Those persons who choose to indulge in celebrations involving the consumption of alcoholic beverages or other substances are reminded to be responsible and plan ahead.

Celebrators should be making arrangements for a designated driver, a sober ride home, or some other form of responsible transportation for St. Patty’s Day festivities.

Timmins Police Traffic Section and general patrol officers will be monitoring all city traffic arteries and checking for driver sobriety in keeping with their obligation to keep city streets as safe as possible. The burden of responsibility lies with the individual driver not to take to the wheel after having consumed alcoholic beverages or any substance that can interfere with their ability to drive safely.

The point of St. Patty’s Day is to celebrate all things Irish and to usher in spring in a safe and responsible manner. This message needs to reach the motoring public and take hold so that preventable tragedies and unnecessary criminal enforcement can be avoided.

The Timmins Police Service wishes everyone a wee bit of luck and a green spring before too long.
