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Man charged in alleged assault of 91-year-old woman

The South Porcupine man has also been charged in connection with two other incidents
2020-08-20 Timmins Police Cruiser

The Timmins Police Service has investigated a set of recent criminal incidents that has led to the arrest yesterday of a South Porcupine man.

The Timmins Police Service investigated a set of occurrences where a 91-year-old female person was assaulted on Sept. 11 at a South Porcupine residence.

The investigation led to the discovery of other criminal acts including uttering threats on Sept. 14 and mischief to private property on Sept. 15th committed by the same suspect.

The suspect was located and arrested by the Timmins Police yesterday (Sept. 15).

As a result, a 57-year-old man from South Porcupine has been charged with:

  • Assault contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada
  • Utter threats contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada
  • Mischief to property contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada

The accused remains in police custody for the purposes of a bail hearing slated for today at the Ontario Court of Justice in Timmins to answer to the charge laid against him.

The victim declined medical treatment for the injuries she sustained during the altercation.
