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Warmer weather means street sweeping to begin

While the sweeping is in process, vehicles can't be parked on the road
No Parking shutterstock

The City’s Public Works Department has begun work collecting winter sand from the streets, sidewalks, municipal parking lots, and medians across the city. Due to the amount of sand used to contend with our northern Ontario winters, sweeping operations will take several weeks to complete.

With the majority of the snow melted from city streets, sweeping operations have begun, but remain weather dependent as these activities cannot take place when temperatures drop below zero degrees

Yellow ‘No Parking’ signs are posted on the streets the day prior to sweeping, and indicate the day of the week that operations are to take place. Failure to comply can result in the vehicle being towed or ticketed, and may prevent areas of the street from being cleaned.

The Connecting Link, Downtown BIA areas, along with main arterial roads will be swept during the nighttime hours, in that order. This operation will stop when nighttime surface pavement temperatures drop below zero degrees Celsius. Daytime sweeping operations will take place on residential streets, and residents are reminded to remain at a safe distance from the equipment.

As the weather becomes more consistent, a sweeping schedule will be posted weekly on the City’s website, which is subject to last-minute changes based on changes in weather and potential equipment break downs.

We kindly ask residents to comply with the ‘No Parking’ signs as our crews work to clean the streets, reducing the amount of sand and dust throughout the city.
