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Return of accessible lift making a splash at Timmins pool

It allows people with mobility issues easier access to the pools
The new mobile chair lift at the Archie Dillon Sportsplex is making the facility more accessible.

A new pool lift at the Timmins pool is a step toward a more accessible facility.

The new equipment, which makes the pool more accessible to people with mobility issues, was delivered a couple of months ago to the Archie Dillon Sportsplex thanks to $14,786.54 in funding from the city's municipal accessibility advisory committee (MAAC).

A pool lift is a seat connected to a mechanical arm that can safely lower a person into the water or lift them out of it. The lift is mobile and can be set up wherever it’s needed in the facility. The new unit replaces the old lift, which has been out of use since before the COVID-19 pandemic.

The committee heard about the reaction to the lift at the March 27 meeting.

“It’s been really positive from the people who are using it,” said Lynne Grenon. “It means they can access the deep end of the pool as well as the shallow end.”

More accessibility upgrades at the pool are planned.

She said the city is currently in the early stages of getting automatic doors to the change rooms and showers, as well as other steps being taken at the facility.

“We are in the process of pricing out door openers for the three change rooms and push buttons for our showers in both men’s and women’s change rooms,” she said. “We’re also looking into getting an adult change table.”

The project's timeline depends on what kind of funding will be needed.

“Depending on the cost, we may be able to use funds from our operating budget. Otherwise, we will budget for the work to be done in 2025,” said Grenon.

Five people are using the new pool lift regularly.

“Because the lift was down for so many years, the group homes are just coming back,” she said. “The lift has been down since before COVID, so it was needed, but the group homes stopped coming because we didn’t have a lift to help get people into the deeper pool.”

The added accessibility will make it easier to rebuild those relationships, said Grenon.

“We want to see a special needs group put together,” she added.

Amanda Rabski-McColl, LJI Reporter

About the Author: Amanda Rabski-McColl, LJI Reporter

Amanda Rabski-McColl is a Diversity Reporter under the Local Journalism Initiative, which is funded by the Government of Canada
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