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Picture This: We want to see your best photos of Gillies Lake

Whether it's your favourite bench to take a break or a stunning shot of the sunset, email us your pics or drop them in the Facebook comments
2020-07-17 Gillies Lake2 MH
The Timmins Wake Park operates in the summer months on the lake. Maija Hoggett/TimminsToday

Gillies Lake — it's in the heart of the city and people love it for a variety of reasons

Whether it's your favourite spot to take a stroll, catch the sunset or take a dip — we want to see your best shots of Gillies Lake. It can be one you set up today or from your archives.

Send your original photos (one that you took) to [email protected] or drop the photograph in the comments on Facebook. Be sure to let us know who took the photo and anything else about it that's important to note. 

We'll run all of the photos in a gallery on TimminsToday.