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Museum looking for crafty people to lead workshops

It's for virtual and in-person sessions
2020-06-29 timmins museum
The Timmins Museum: National Exhibition Centre. Maija Hoggett/TimminsToday

There's a call out for creative people of all types interested in teaching workshops. 

The Timmins Museum: National Exhibition Centre is building up its bank of artists to lead workshops virtually and in-person.

"We’ve been in a whirlwind now since COVID and we’ve had to go virtual, which is a challenge so I’ve been taking on learning crafts and then teaching them virtually,” said Monica Towsley, program coordinator, explaining she's trying to get away from that.

“I want to find local artists that want to share a talent that they have with the community."

So far, she said there's been interest from people who draw, do watercolour, printmaking, fibre art, and more.

“Initially my goal was just to get 10 people, but now that I’m this far I hope at least 20 artists ... that I can turn to throughout the year. I would like to offer at least two workshops a month, that’s my goal, so the more I can find the better,” she said.

People who are interested should send an email to Towsley.

“Really it is a job. We’re going to be paying the artists to come in and teach registrants and participants how to do their craft. I do have some skills that are required. You have to have some experience in a professional capacity,” she said. 

She said they're willing to take a chance on people who may not have taught before.

Artists should be prepared, however, to have a work plan of what will be taught and how the workshop would run.

To apply or for more information, email [email protected] or call 705-360-2617.