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Meet Timmins Police's new constable

He is following in his father’s footsteps and keeping pace with his brother Taylor, who is also a Timmins Police officer
Supplied photo of Nick Buczkowski

Const. Nick Buczkowski has successfully graduated from the Ontario Police College (August virtual graduation) and is now ready for the road.

A welcome addition to Platoon 3, Const. Buczkowski will continue to complete his probationary year under the strict mentoring of veteran officer Const. Roland Giroux.

Nick was born and raised in Timmins.

He is following in what is becoming a family tradition in terms of community service in front line policing by following in his father’s footsteps and keeping pace with his brother Taylor, who is also a Timmins Police officer.

Nick’s rookie year will be composed of applying  the knowledge invested in him at the Ontario Police College and becoming acquainted with the rigours of policing.

The Timmins Police welcome this young man and wish him continued academic and professional success as a valuable asset focused on community safety priorities.
