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Freaky Friday: Full moon, eclipse and a comet all expected today

The trifecta of Feb. 10
Just minutes after the full moon peaks, so will a penumbral lunar eclipse. Supplied photo.

According to, February's Snow Moon will be no ordinary full moon for sky watchers in most parts of the world, as it coincides with a special lunar eclipse on Feb. 10.

Just minutes after the full moon peaks, so will a penumbral lunar eclipse. Not as dramatic as a total lunar eclipse, Friday's penumbral eclipse will be darker and more noticeable than most lunar eclipses of its kind. That's because the moon will veer so deeply into Earth's penumbral shadow that it will be almost entirely submerged in shade. 

And that's not all.

Comet 45P, which has been visible after sunset over the last two months, makes its closest approach to Earth on Feb. 10 as well.

NASA says the comet will be a 'mere' 7.4 million miles from Earth - watch for its bright blue-green head and tail in the morning sky in the contellation Hercules (you'll need binoculars or a telescope).