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Donate blood in honour of Owen Fodchuk

He's almost four-years-old and has needed 19 blood transfusions so far, will need more soon
Photo of Owen supplied by Canadain Blood Services, Timmins Branch

Calling on all donors in Timmins and area to donate blood next week. Below is a message from Grace and Corry Fodchuk:

Owen received his first heart surgery in utero prior to birth at 25 weeks gestation in order to have a chance of survival. Less than 24 hours after birth, Owen received an emergency intestinal surgery, followed by his first open heart surgery. 

During his eight months stay at The Hospital for Sick Children, Owen underwent his second open heart surgery, followed by two stomach surgeries all before the age of 1.

Owen received 19 blood transfusions because of surgeries and low hemoglobin, enabling him to survive and fight his ongoing battle. Without blood donations, children like Owen and others who are fighting big battles would not be able to survive. 

On May 7, 2018, Owen will be heading into another heart catheterization to have his heart closely examined along with the pressures in his lungs. Mom (Grace) Dad (Cory) are looking forward to Owen's big fourth birthday party in July, just before he heads into his next open heart surgery in the fall of this year.

Owen will once again require blood transfusions during and after surgery!

Thank you to everyone who has come out to donate and who continue to donate at the Timmins blood donor clinics. You are making a difference in saving lives.  The gift of blood is the gift of life.

To book your appointment to save a life, go to or call our toll free line at (1 888 2DONATE) 1 888 236 6283. 
