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City hiring contractor to support public works

It's to help restore complex utility cuts
2020-06-09 City hall MH
Timmins City Hall on Algonquin Boulevard. Maija Hoggett/TimminsToday

Timmins is hiring a contractor to support public works with restoring utility cuts at a number of locations.

Over the last while, environmental services manager Scott Tam told council there have been big repairs the city has had to do and contracting out some of the work will help public works in their effort to keep up with things.

“These repairs are a little bit more complex and a little bit more intricate work,” said Tam at the July 14 council meeting.

The staff report notes that typically public works would follow up on the restoration after water and sewer service repairs. Public works is not able to do the work "due to the complexity of the restoration and internal resources required."

The contract has been awarded to Interpaving Limited for $172,430, plus HST. 

The work isn't in the 2020 budget. The report says there is some contracted support for complex repairs budgeted. 

There are 19 locations for repairs across the city, with one site having three repairs.

The locations are: 217 Maple St. S., 359 Pine St. S., Vimy north of Theriault (for three repairs), 417 James, 390 Willow, 525 Spooner, 543 Balsam St. S., 51 Powell, 217 Legion, 199 Lawrence, 295-299 Maple St. S., 130 Huron, 571 Pine St. N., 531 Tamarack, 514 Fay, 45 Jade, 101 Croatia, 141 Bloor, and 1011 Michener.