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Chair removed from festival site after pieces stolen

People asked to return pieces no questions asked
2018-06-27 Downtown chair sub
A chair similar to this one in Downtown Timmins has been removed from the Stars and Thunder festival site after pieces were stolen over the past couple of nights. Downtown Timmins BIA Facebook photo

A Lego chair at Stars and Thunder has been taken down after pieces of it were stolen.

“It was a duplicate of the one downtown and the idea was it promoted the event downtown. The little kids are so respectful of the ones downtown. They put them away, pick them up etc.,” said Noella Rinaldo, downtown Timmins BIA executive director.

At the festival site in Hollinger Park, Noella said people stole the top four blocks on the first night. The chair was located outside of the Goldcorp tent in the general admission area.

“Last night they destroyed the chair and in total we have lost 10 blocks,” Rinaldo said. “They are expensive . Although a police report has been made if someone returns them downtown no questions will be asked.”

On the BIA Facebook page, it says that the organization is responsible for the cost of the missing pieces.

The Stars and Thunder Village downtown Timmins runs daily from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. until June 29. There are vendors, kids’ activities, food, and live entertainment on the streets.