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$10 lots: Cochrane holding public meeting

The meeting is happening tonight (Feb. 26) from 6:30 to 8 p.m.

COCHRANE - A public meeting will be taking place regarding the town’s property rebate program.

The meeting will be will be happening tonight (Feb. 26) from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Tim Horton Event Centre. It will also be livestreamed on the town's Facebook page.

“All persons interested in learning more about this program are welcome to attend,” the town wrote.

In October, the town introduced its plan to sell lots for as low as $10 in hopes of bringing more people to town.

Since then, there have been mixed emotions from the community surrounding the initiative.

In a recent budget survey, one resident said the town can’t move forward before addressing its current problems.

“We have flash floods in certain parts of town every time it rains, our roads are literally undriveable, and snow removal in this town isn't done at night when it should be causing traffic nightmares throughout multiple sections of town for days at a time, yet we want to sell lots for 10 bucks to try to get more people to live here,” they wrote.

“Cochrane can’t handle the problems it already has. Everybody likes the flashy, fly-by-night ideas, but fix the existing problems before daydreaming of far-fetched ideas to try to get people to locate here.”

More to come following the meeting.


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