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How sports teams changed in the gold camp

In this edition of Remember This, the Timmins Museum: National Exhibition Centre looks back on post-season soccer in 1957
Players on the Dante Club soccer team, who were finalists in the 1957 post-season Ideal Hardware trophy play. Front row, L to R: Olindo Didone, Pal Csepi, Bill Katona and Silvano Cicuto. Back row: Giulio DelBianco, Joe Bred, Fred Mueller, Jozef Sturcz, J. Charl, Romano Slochrciter, and Bruno Lionello. Timmins Museum: National Exhibition Centre

From the Timmins Museum: National Exhibition Centre:

Sports have always held an important role in our community, even from its very early days.

Sports and other leisure activities helped to pass the time outside of work and were something everyone could take part in, either as players or spectators. Hockey and baseball, the two most popular activities in the Porcupine, were initially organized by the mines and early teams were comprised principally of English-speaking, Canadian-born players.

Soccer was no different, first appearing in the early 1920s with two teams, the Timmins Juniors and Dome Juniors. Soon enough, many of the ethnic communities in Timmins began to establish their own organizations and clubs, and formed their own sports teams or even brought new sports to the community. The Dante Club, for example, was formed in 1952 to preserve Italian culture and customs, and played an important part in participating in local activities. 

The Timmins Museum will be participating in #MuseumWeek from April 23 to 29, a worldwide event happening on social networks where thousands of institutions will be sharing incredible cultural content. This year, the focus will be on life in society and tolerance and each day will feature content based on a different theme. Be sure to follow us on twitter @TimminsMNEC to see more features from our photograph collection. 

Each week, the Timmins Museum: National Exhibition Centre provides TimminsToday readers with a glimpse of the city’s past.

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