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The purest energy experienced by mankind

Recently, I listened to a heart-warming solo rendition of Amazing Grace. The song instantly resonated deep within me, igniting that spark of … the purest energy experienced by mankind.

Recently, I listened to a heart-warming solo rendition of Amazing Grace.

The song instantly resonated deep within me, igniting that spark of … the purest energy experienced by mankind.

Some people, like me, recognize quickly when our souls are roused.

It feels as though every atom of our being swells.

The epicenter of our bodies, our hearts, expand, inflating continually.

All that gathered energy flow keeps building in perpetual motion, spins, and then reaches an unstable and unsustainable state.

An outlet must be found, and fast.

Our eyes, the windows of our souls and the perceivers of the construct we call our reality, respond.

Tear ducts swell, in turn, and an outpouring of energy in a liquid form is released.

We cry; we cry, recognizing the joy and the bliss in such a moment.

We are carried by the song; we are captivated by the music and, at a visceral and profound level, we connect.

What if tears, bodily fluids, and water, as I believe in the Hebrew sense, are crystals in a liquid form?

The average adult is comprised of 50-65 percent water, whereas, in infants this can be as high as 75-78 percent.

No wonder babies and infants intuit better than adults.

How can we not feel the resonance of music in our bodies?

How can we not feel its vibrational pull?

How can we not fall into alignment with songs that touch our souls?

We’ve only begun to understand just how mysterious and powerful crystal energy is, but we clearly know that it is beyond comparison and measurability.

In her grace, she is amazing!

The origin of Amazing Grace, the Christian hymn, the melody, is unknown, but we know for certain that it debuted in print in 1779.

It became popularized, during the Second Great Awakening, at the turn of the 19th century.

What a gift to the world it was!

In her grace, she is amazing!

Could we not, too, say the same of Mother Nature as she manifests herself every single day and each season?

We can and should declare her as amazing.

Like the song, we can and should allow ourselves, some 235+ years later, a deeper appreciation, another awakening, and an ultimate transformation in consciousness.

The Grace of God was felt in Abraham, the patriarch, nearly 4,000 years ago.

In the Book of Genesis, upon recognizing God’s love and mercy toward the human race, he allowed himself to be carried by our Lord, to be transformed, to be led, to be educated, to be tested and saved through his faith.

Perhaps, in his grace, God saw it fitting to gift each one of us with that spark of his essence, at the Last Supper, when Jesus shared with his Apostles the cup of wine from which they all drank.

Perhaps, in so doing, Jesus roused in us a regeneration, a renewal with the Holy Spirit, if we so chose.