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Power outage planned for Kirkland Lake area

Outage needed for maintenance
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Hydro One Zone: 6 Northeast

Hydro One Operation Center(s): Kirkland Lake

Hydro One Township(s) Affected: Matachewan, Matachewan FN, Otto, Nicol, Pacaud, Eby, Grenfell, Maisonville, Marquis, Benoit, James, Kirkland Lake, Boston, Chown, Lawson, Tudhope

Reason for Outage: Performing regular maintenance

*** All Hydro One Customers impacted by this planned maintenance outage have been contacted ***

Interruption Date(s) and Time(s):

Sunday, July 21, 2019 from 09:00 until 15:00 (six hours), 1,764 customers

Hydro One reminds all members of the public to always stay clear of downed power lines or equipment. Never assume they are safe to approach.

For up-to-date power interruption information related to Hydro One's Distribution System, download the Hydro One Mobile App or visit the: Power Outage Viewer

For Customer account information, please contact 1-888-664-9376.
