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Boom Lake Cottage Watch

The OPP has entered into a crime prevention partnership with the residents of Boom Lake. Boom Lake is a thriving community made up of 22 residences (some seasonal) located in Keefer Twp, west of Timmins.

The OPP has entered into a crime prevention partnership with the residents of Boom Lake.

Boom Lake is a thriving community made up of 22 residences (some seasonal) located in Keefer Twp, west of Timmins.  The Boom Lake Cottage Association has initiated a Cottage Watch Program where suspicious activity is reported directly to the OPP by means of residents or cottagers who patrol the area on a regular basis.

These patrollers take on the role of “road captains” and they patrol and take note of suspicious vehicles or persons who attend the area and appear to be present without a lawful or legitimate purpose.

The information gathered by the road captains is forwarded to the OPP for investigation.

Those persons intent of criminal or unsafe behavior are put on notice that their activity will be monitored in the Boom Lake area and subject to follow up investigation by the OPP.


Feature picture from l to r : Acting Staff Sergeant Dan Foy, Sgt. Steve Meunier, Mrs. Karen Leblanc (Boom Lake Cottage Association) and Community Services Officer Const. Marc Depatie